miRGator v3.0
a microRNA portal in deep sequencing era
Input Data
 ♦ Text input (paste gene names to analysis)       ♦ ID Type
 ♦ Entrez Gene ID :   ♦ Gene Symbol :   ♦ Ensembl Gene ID : 
ID Conversion List
Check Input ID Entrez Gene ID Description
Public Annotation DB
Check Annotation DB Update Date Organism # Unique Gene Set # Unique Gene
KEGG 2011-07-25 Homo sapiens 268 5193
GO:MolecularFunction 2011-12-21 Homo sapiens 3256 15101
GO:BiologicalProcess 2011-12-21 Homo sapiens 7875 14489
mirTarBase 2010-12-15 Homo sapiens 240 1145
miRNA.org conserved 2010-11-01 Homo sapiens 249 17746
miRNA.org nonconserved 2010-11-01 Homo sapiens 851 19282
Microcosm 2007-10-31 Homo sapiens 711 16556
miRDB 2011-12-23 Homo sapiens 1919 16533
PicTar 2006-04-30 Homo sapiens 178 6801
PITA 2008-08-31 Homo sapiens 677 14128
miRecords 2010-11-25 Homo sapiens 166 719
TarBase 2008-11-19 Homo sapiens 99 711
TargetScan conserved 2012-05-23 Homo sapiens 1537 14830
TCGA Annotation 2012-10-27 Homo sapiens 11563 18774
ENCOE Annotation 2012-10-27 Homo sapiens 9267 17619
 ♦ Number of input gene  ♦ Number of convered gene  ♦ Number of mapping to reference DB
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Gene Set Name Gene Set Description Hit Count P Value Q Value Gene List